Water molecules. Academic.Study of the gallery for class exhibit “Beyond the Print” Water Molecules Installation.Workshop on casting glass with H. Stokes. Otters grooming each otherNon-academic. Art Box. Built by G. Bettencourt. Designed by S. Sniffen with G. Bettencourt.Academic. Along the Schuykill River – a place for some sand, some marshy ground, wildflowers, butterflies, and the possibility of touching, interacting with the river more closely. Academic. Pedestrian (and non-motorized personal mobility vehicles) bridge off the Walnut Street Bridge, leading towards a place where the river can flow into the shore further, in a very shallow area, with plants that would naturally like such an environment.Academic. Scale model; academic: for concrete sculpture – about 10″ x 10″ x 10″. Concrete colored only with natural sand and stone. It should not be constructed as it is.Academic. Museum of Fine Arts – the absolutely grand, can sled down in winter, staircase in front of the Museum of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA. (This eventually, sadly, went to the dump – it took up a lot of room.).