
Large very heavy plaster model - hollow, 3-dimensional - with a metal bottom. Maybe 1 1/4 feet wide, by about 2+ feet long? Not sure of exact dimensions - I kept it for years, but due to difficulty to pick up and move it, one day I brought it to the town's transfer station. What a model. Everyone was making plaster models at once.

Museum of Fine Arts – the absolutely grand, can sled down in winter, staircase in front of the Museum of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA.

Academic for J. Corner. Large very heavy plaster model – hollow, 3-dimensional – with a metal bottom. Maybe 1 1/4 feet wide, by about 2+ feet long? Not sure of exact dimensions – I kept it for years, but due to difficulty to pick up and move it, one day I brought it to the town’s transfer station. What a model. Everyone was making plaster models about the same time during the week, and also the evening this was cast. And actually, thinking on it, I am not sure how I did it. The bottom is removable though, and so it would have been poured upside down. Clay for the top part. No longer recall how I did the walls holding the model up. The road cut, however, is not cut in – it was definitely cast in.